[TriEmbed] December TriEmbed Meeting

Grawburg grawburg at myglnc.com
Wed Dec 7 13:24:03 CST 2016

Now that I'm taking over for Pete to send out the meeting notices I'm going to have to update my reminder alerts -- almost forgot.
Hopefully this works and everyone gets the December notice.       Brian G.

Engineering Building I Room 1007, NCSU Centennial Campus, 911 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC, 27606

December 12th: Better than Blinky, by Paul MacDougal
Paul MacDougal will talk about alternatives to the classic Arduino beginning program and shares this summary:
“Blink is a great first example for Arduino programming, but a really bad example of embedded programming. With 99.9% of its time spent in delay(), nothing else can happen. This talk will show how to rewrite blink in several different ways to allow it to play nicely with other functions.”

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