[TriEmbed] EMT: Fergetaboutit Re: Energia MSP432

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Thu Apr 14 13:49:30 CDT 2016

This reminds me of the pjrc.com forums discussions where people decide
to take it 'to the next level' with teensyduino on the ARM core stuff
and then discover the arduino libraries aren't thread-safe and have all
sorts of issues sharing the SPI bus and things like that.
If we can get more than a handful of people working with the STM Nucleo
boards via mbed and FreeRTOS, we'll probably avoid issues where someone
gets hopelessly stuck or discouraged.
On Thu, Apr 14, 2016, at 02:26 PM, Pete Soper wrote:
> Alex,
> That multiblink Energia example sketch is very cute, but when I
> started to play with the "Energia MultiTasking" feature I found it to
> be generally useless. It's a novelty. One only has to go to the
> energia.nu description page where they say "  Interprocess
> communication can easily be done by using global variables" to see how
> messed up this is. There are zero task-related primitives available. I
> thought "OK, I'll make the globals usable for communication" and I
> made a trivial spin lock implementation to enable this. Except nobody
> got around to implementing interrupts() and noInterrupts(). I spent a
> while rummaging through the sources and found a very low level routine
> that might do the job, but then I realized what a perfect rat hole I
> was in. There was an issue filed about this in July of last year
> (#675) and I may add a remark.
> But this is moaning about a feature I had only been vaguely aware of,
> and so as far as I'm concerned the MT examples are really hints about
> the fact that (I think) the entire TI RTOS is sitting inside the
> Energia runtime, and that may be relatively easy to use at some point.
> Vanilla sketches with the MSP432 seem to work fine and Energia ought
> to provide lots of fun for folks exploring their boards. But I'm
> popping my stack and going back to exploration of FreeRTOS via the
> mbed/export/gcc path.
> -Pete
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