[TriEmbed] In need of a tiny, cheap, powerful(ish) computer

Carl Nobile carl.nobile at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 20:45:08 CDT 2015


Doing it in pure python may be the issue. Use the numpy package it does
matrix math extremly fast. If you're flipping pixels around then you will
get an unbelievable speed increase with numpy.


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:39 PM, Adam Haile via TriEmbed <
triembed at triembed.org> wrote:

> It's all CPU. There's usually less than 100MB RAM usage. And yup, 24/7
> operation.
> I'm already using nothing but single byte math (with a tiny few float
> exceptions) and have optimized the heck out of it with a couple of
> performance profilers. Pretty much it comes down to doing hundreds of
> thousands of pixel operations per second all in pure python, with no GPU
> acceleration... this is because my "display" is large LED matrices. So,
> admittedly, not the best for performance... but I'm also doing way more
> than users of my library would generally ever try.
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 5:01 PM, John Vaughters <jvaughters04 at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
>> >Forget I mentioned the video thing... Pi is not fast enough regardless.
>> Right, so the pi lacks memory and processing power.
>> I guess the question is what is your application wanting? Are you swaping
>> memory? or is the Processor pegged? Or both?
>> Do you need 24/7 on time?
>> Is it your software that you can change to optimize your system? You
>> mentioned speed over cores; software changes can possibly fix these
>> problems.
>> Finding sub $150 computers in the x86 family is going to be tough unless
>> you want a used laptop. But even then, laptops running 24/7 are not the
>> most reliable.
>> I guess my suggestion would be to try to figure out what the hold up is
>> in your application and system if you want to get the cost to it's lowest.
>> Or just try the used laptop route.
>> John Vaughters
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Carl J. Nobile (Software Engineer)
carl.nobile at gmail.com
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