[TriEmbed] New to list...what's ok?

Brian triembed at undecidedgames.net
Tue Mar 10 22:58:11 CDT 2015

Scott (and others),

Thank you for such a warm welcome!  I regret not being able to attend 
Monday's meeting but unfortunately my schedule was not accommodating on 
such short notice.

I would be delighted to share some of my experiences.  In particular, 
I've got a PICkit 3 and an AVR Dragon, and have made a lot of progress 
on my two primary current embedded projects which are a 24-channel 
digital mixer based around a PIC32 and a NES/SNES-to-USB controller 
adapter built around an ATmega8U2 (which is going to be part of a RasPi 
console emulator).  I've also built a three-axis stepper-motor driver 
around the same ATmega chip which drives a homemade CNC drill press and 
appears as a virtual serial port to the host PC.

I've also got a really useful PCB design to adapt a USB-B socket and a 
16 MHz MEMS oscillator to 0.100" pin headers suitable for breadboards, 
which I'd be quite happy to share.

I'm glad to be a part of this community!


On 3/10/2015 6:10 PM, Scott Hall wrote:
> Brian,
> Welcome all the more to it!  I am scheduling a workshop for late summer
> (too many obligations between now and then) on using Atmel Studio and
> directly programming AVR's without the Arduino boot-loader code and IDE
> support.
> The workshop will also show other programming methods and tools for the
> TI MSP430 series on and off Launchpad's, the Microchip PIC series,
> Cypress PSoC's, and so on.  The intent is to use breadboard versions
> rather than experimenters boards for projects, and utilizing knowledge
> from other workshops and seminars we've had on spinning your own PC
> boards, power stabilization, level-shifting and ADC ranging, and I2C and
> SPI communications.
> Welcome to the group...  Maybe you could share with us some evening some
> of your techniques and tools, lessons learned and advice.
> - sgh
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Brian <triembed at undecidedgames.net
> <mailto:triembed at undecidedgames.net>> wrote:
>     Hi!  I just joined the list.  I was wondering about the general
>     scope of conversation here.  I am an Arduino and RasPi tinkerer, but
>     I also do plenty with bare Microchip and Atmel MCUs in my projects.
>     Is it appropriate for this list to discuss embedded projects that
>     aren't based on pre-built platforms?
>     Thanks!
>     -Brian
>     _________________________________________________
>     Triangle, NC Embedded Computing mailing list
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>     TriEmbed web site: http://TriEmbed.org
> --
> Scott G. Hall
> Raleigh, NC, USA
> scottghall1 at gmail.com <mailto:scottghall1 at gmail.com>

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