[TriEmbed] OSH Park booboo

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Sat Mar 7 16:31:04 CST 2015

I'm glad you're sharing this, Paul. It gives us appreciation for their 
real failure rate vs imagined.

So, if my tally is right that's one failure for you, one for me, and 
either one or two for Chip.

I've gotten 19 different board designs fab'd by them. If we got OSH Park 
design and fab-error totals from others on this list we could develop a 
probability. It seems like it might be higher than we'd like by an order 
of magnitude or three.

What did you use for a routing grid size and trace width for this board?

I guess it's time to start talking about pogo-pads and 'scope loops. :-)


On 03/07/2015 04:01 PM, The MacDougals wrote:
> I recently had a respin of my RS485 home automation node boards done 
> at OSH park.  I am now using surface mount ATTiny84 and added switch 
> debounce hardware.
> I soldered it all up and ran my test code on the processor and 
> everything worked fine.  I then went to attach it via RS485 and 
> no-go.  I finally tracked it down to the eight pads of the dual-RJ11 
> socket not being plated through properly.  So, traces that connected 
> on the bottom pads worked fine, but the few on the top did not 
> connect.  I opened a support ticket with OSH Park and sent them some 
> photos.  They looked at the Gerber files and agreed that the issue was 
> with the fabrication and not the design.  They redid the boards on a 
> "hot" lot and I had new boards in a week.
> ---> Paul
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