[TriEmbed] Relays for Motors - TriEmbed Digest, Vol 25, Issue 24
Terry King
terry at terryking.us
Mon Jun 15 19:32:20 CDT 2015
Hi Brian and everyone,
After a lot of consideration I decided to include this relay board in most educational kits I build:
At $3 for 2 SPDT relays including Optical Isolation and driver transistors, it can't be beat. 10
Amp rating is plenty. And the two Single-Pole Double-Throw relays can be used as an H-Bridge to
run, reverse and stop a DC motor.
See: http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/DC-Motors (Bottom of the page)..
And that general-purpose relay can switch high-power lights and many other things... Like my
Solar Pool Heater pump and Pool Filter pump, based on temperatures, time etc.
Example of a kit that includes this 2-relay board:
I have sold literally thousands of these relay boards with only 1 or 2 reported failures.
DISCLAIMER: Mentioned stuff from my own shop... (Which is what I know most about! )
Regards, Terry King
...In the Woods in Vermont USA
terry at terryking.us
-The One who Dies with the most Parts LOSES. What do you need??
Because this is a project for kids <14 I think I'll introduce them to a relay.? The project
already has a transistor to operate an LED in conjunction with a Dallas one-wire temperature probe
to indicate high temperature. The relay will turn on the motor so that the kids will see two ways
to control devices externally powered (a flashing LED & the motor).? I guess I could consider a
MOSFET, but I think it's more than I want to tackle at this point ... class is next week.
Thanks for your comments, guys.
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