[TriEmbed] fast TFT library for ATMEGA

Robert Gasiorowski rgresume at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 08:49:08 CDT 2015

You should try LaunchPad :) No level shifting required.
I have written glib that supports several different LCDs and LPs, and is
one of the fastest (if not the fastest) graphics library for LPs.


On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 8:50 AM, Alex Davis via TriEmbed <
triembed at triembed.org> wrote:

> In case you didn't see this, someone updated the Adafruit TFT libraries
> to get a significant increase in performance out of the cheap, small TFT
> color displays:
> https://hackaday.io/project/6038-pdqgfx-optimzed-avr-lcd-graphics
> I tried it myself on an ST7735-based SPI display running on a 16 Mhz
> ATMEGA1284p. It's fast enough that full-screen updates are possible,
> whereas before you had to be clever and use windowing or try to limit
> the pixels changed.
> The downside is that under the library, SPI is now pushing enough data
> to reveal limitations in things like level shifters. My Adafruit 1.8"
> TFT has an HC4050 for 5v - 3.3v conversion which can't handle the speed.
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