[TriEmbed] fast TFT library for ATMEGA

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Fri Jun 5 07:50:49 CDT 2015

In case you didn't see this, someone updated the Adafruit TFT libraries
to get a significant increase in performance out of the cheap, small TFT
color displays: 

I tried it myself on an ST7735-based SPI display running on a 16 Mhz
ATMEGA1284p. It's fast enough that full-screen updates are possible,
whereas before you had to be clever and use windowing or try to limit
the pixels changed.

The downside is that under the library, SPI is now pushing enough data
to reveal limitations in things like level shifters. My Adafruit 1.8"
TFT has an HC4050 for 5v - 3.3v conversion which can't handle the speed.

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