[TriEmbed] EE tutorial talks

Ryan Schuster ryans1138 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 26 23:36:12 CDT 2015

Pete, that's too bad to hear you won't be there. :(

My big worry is that there won't be enough time for a lot of this.  Even
skipping the math and only focusing on basics and things that are relevant
to embedded systems, there's still a lot of stuff to talk about.  And I
don't want to cut into the face-to-face time/other talks/demos.  It sounds
like August could be a test run, to see how much we can get through in a

On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 2:39 PM, Pete Soper via TriEmbed <
triembed at triembed.org> wrote:

> Well, this is slightly shocking and embarrassing, but for the August
> meeting I look forward to hearing how it went: it's unlikely I'll be in
> town! I really don't like my personal situation getting on the list, but
> depending on how my mom is doing (hopefully well), my wife and I need to
> disappear and chill for a while between taking our daughter to her
> university and getting back for my wife to go back to work. So we might be
> in Tuscon on the 10th, or we might be in a tent off Blue Ridge Parkway, but
> we're not likely to be here.
> That said, I'd love to support the August tutorials as the primary focus
> of the meeting, while of course keeping the meeting open to the traditional
> face to face talks, on the fly demos, etc.
> I've got some equipment that might be useful for somebody to use for
> demos. For example I have an electronic load (Maynuo M9711) that can
> present a constant current, constant voltage, constant power, or constant
> resistance load. With a power source (which I can lend too: a Siglent
> SPD3303S) and a pot or three with a couple of calibration marks (or a
> decade resistance box or two) it should be possible to demonstrate Ohm's
> Law enough different ways for folks to get a gut level feel for what this
> is about for DC. In combination with Ryan's water demo and what others have
> floated (heh heh), it should be interesting. On the other hand, there are
> no doubt vastly better pieces of equipment within a few yards of the August
> meeting place that might be pressed into service.
> Anyway, I was so focused on the likelihood of missing a later August date
> that I lost sight of the TriEmbed meeting and apologize for setting false
> expectations of my participation.
> -Pete
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