[TriEmbed] Backup Power for Raspberry Pi 2

Dwight Morgan dwight.w.morgan at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 21:47:47 CDT 2015

Well, I bought a phone charger from Amazon for less than $20.00. It only has 2000 mAh but I’m hoping it will work okay to ride through blips. I dug out an old iPhone charger by iLive given to me as a Christmas gift about 2 years ago, charged it as much as it would (about 50% due to sitting idle) and it was able to boot up my old Pi with monitor, keyboard, and mouse. I’m hoping the one I bought will do the job as a backup power supply. It’s at the link below:

http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps <http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Sabrent+2000mAh+External+Backup+Battery+Charger+Power+Bank+Charger+with+Wall+Charger+Power+Supply+%28PB-WPSM%29> &field-keywords=Sabrent+2000mAh+External+Backup+Battery+Charger+Power+Bank+Charger+with+Wall+Charger+Power+Supply+%28PB-WPSM%29


Thanks All!




From: Jon Wolfe [mailto:jonjwolfe at anibit.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 10:36 AM
To: Dwight Morgan; Triangle Embedded Computing Discussion
Subject: RE: [TriEmbed] Backup Power for Raspberry Pi 2


Can the pi2 be powered via usb? (Reminds me I need to unbox my pi2). What about one of those lipo emergency phone chargers? I've run the pi1b+ off a 10000 mAh one just fine.




-------- Original message --------

From: Dwight Morgan via TriEmbed 

Date:07/15/2015 10:13 AM (GMT-05:00) 

To: Triangle Embedded Computing Discussion 

Subject: [TriEmbed] Backup Power for Raspberry Pi 2 


Hi All:


I need a backup power supply for my Raspberry Pi 2. I don’t think I need something as large as those made for PCs. I think one more in line with that D cell powered one in my alarm clock or a little larger would work fine. 


Anybody know how to make one or if there is one out there already? Feedback appreciated!






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