[TriEmbed] Stepper Motor
Shane Trent
shanedtrent at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 16:11:45 CST 2015
<<From Brian:
To paraphrase the song, "What a Difference a NUMBER makes."
I don't know how many times I looked at my code and missed an incorrect
GPIO pin number. The stepper works; now I will experiment to develop some
code to make it turn a specific number of degrees emulating a piece of
equipment I'm familiar with from the pulp & paper industry.
No one's answer was a waste since they forced me to keep investigating and
digging until I got the answer.
Thanks to all,
The feature/project/effort is not a failure until you give up trying to
make it work! Great job tracking down that number! It is often just this
kind of detail that hides in your code. Well done!
Today I fixed a glitch that was due to having a line of code three lines
below where I actually needed it. It was tricky because if the user
provided input quickly, overlap from a previous timing routine masked my
error. Tricky, tricky.
On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Shane Trent <shanedtrent at gmail.com> wrote:
> Brian,
> Also make sure that none of the motor leads are touching when you try to
> turn the shaft. Shorting coil wires can make a stepper motor very hard to
> turn.
> You can do a quick check with an ohm meter. Check the DC resistance
> between the Pink-Orange terminals and the Yellow-Blue terminals. According
> to the data sheet you should see about 50 ohms. Much more or much less than
> this could mean they are ready for the rubbish bin.
> Shane
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Jeff Highsmith <jeff at jeffhighsmith.com>
> wrote:
>> Brian,
>> Looking at the picture, I see the shaft is offset, meaning this is most
>> likely a geared motor. Not all gear sets are "back-driveable", so the
>> resistance to hand-turning may not be an indicator of the motor's condition.
>> Jeff :)
>> > On Jan 20, 2015, at 13:07, Grawburg <grawburg at myglnc.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > I have two 28BYJ48 5VDC stepper motors that I think are kaput. They are
>> difficult to spin (unpowered) which I presume is not good. I expected them
>> to turn freely much like a simple motor. When I try to run them from my Pi
>> (I have the controller and code) I can feel them trying to move. Ready for
>> the trash can?
>> >
>> >
>> > Brian Grawburg
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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> --
> A blog about some of my projects. http://fettricks.blogspot.com/
A blog about some of my projects. http://fettricks.blogspot.com/
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