[TriEmbed] No-network access to Raspberry Pi via console cable

John Rock jrock359 at nc.rr.com
Wed Feb 11 21:45:45 CST 2015

I have one that came in a Raspi B+ starter kit I bought before Thanksgiving that also does work with Win8. There was a utility in the Adafruit tutorial to check the chipset for compatibility.


John Rock



From: TriEmbed [mailto:triembed-bounces at triembed.org] On Behalf Of Mark Sidell
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 17:22
To: Adam Haile
Cc: TriEmbed Discussion
Subject: Re: [TriEmbed] No-network access to Raspberry Pi via console cable


They claim the latest model does work with Windows 8:




BTW, great tip!


On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 5:17 PM, Adam Haile <email at adamhaile.net <mailto:email at adamhaile.net> > wrote:

Wish they would make one that worked with Windows 8 :( I bought that cable without realizing it won't work with my machine.


On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Shane Trent <shanedtrent at gmail.com <mailto:shanedtrent at gmail.com> > wrote:



I spoke with a couple of people after the meeting last night about an issue II ran into where I needed to set a WiFi username and Password on a Raspberry Pi that could not get on the Wifi and I had no monitor/keyboard. There is a great fix for this. Use a console cable to log into the Pi and then use the command line to update the Wifi credentials. Here is the Adafruit article.







A blog about some of my projects.  http://fettricks.blogspot.com/


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