[TriEmbed] Come out and support the NCSU Aerial robotics team

Rodney Radford ncgadgetry at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 14:19:01 CST 2015

Tonight's robotics meeting is a presentation by the NCSU Aerial robotics
team. Two students are taking their time away from exams and studying to
bring us this presentation, and it would be good to support the school that
offers us meeting space for our meetings.


We will hear an introduction to the club description of this year's plane,
the auto pilot system, the competition and a history of the club.  We will
also hear about the object detection system, with discussion of canny edge
mapping, template matching, machine learning and other image tools.

This looks to be a great presentation, so I hope to see you there.


As always, registration is not required, but it does help us in determining
the amount of pizza and drink provided.  Pizza, drink and networking starts
at 6pm, with the presentation at 7pm.
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