[TriEmbed] V.st Teensy 3 vector board - interest

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Wed Dec 2 10:41:24 CST 2015

Any interest in buying some boards from OSHPark for the following

This is a Teensy 3-based vector generator board which displays graphics
on an XY monitor. My interest is primary in using it to run arcade
vector games via a patched MAME.

OSHPark sells boards in groups of three, so if there's two others
interested, we can get the total cost per bare board down to about

I am aware of the old 'Zektor' board, which required a parallel port and
DOS - this is hard-to-find and expensive. There's the VGA DAC 'hack' for
vector output, but that was based on MAME 0.94 from 2005. There was also
the Sparkfun 'Dutchtronix' scope clock, but that used only a 8-bit DAC.

It might be breadboard-able if you have the parts, but there could be
issues with the very fast SPI speeds used.


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