[TriEmbed] formalish (re) introduction to coding

Terry King terry at terryking.us
Sat Apr 18 13:00:08 CDT 2015

I'd love to get a formalish (re) introduction to coding, and I have a 9 year old who is starting
to pick some of it up at Wake Robotics and online at code combat and codecademy. /QUOTE

I recently finishing as Technical Editor of the second edition of this book:


It should be out in May sometime...

Based on my detailed reading of it; it's a good choice for someone who wants a formalish study of
'C' and which uses real code that runs on Arduino in the examples.

I'm thinking of putting together a small kits of the parts used in the excercises.. It would be
about $30

Any comments / suggestions welcome!

Regards, Terry King
...In the Woods in Vermont USA
terry at terryking.us

-The One who Dies with the most Parts LOSES. What do you need??

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