[TriEmbed] Learning (Electronics Engineering) Curve
Michael Wayne
michael.wayne at georgewaynellc.com
Thu Apr 16 12:39:02 CDT 2015
Hi Terry,
Is Arduino being sold in a lot of college bookstores across the US or only
at a handful?
On Apr 16, 2015 10:39 AM, "Terry King" <terry at terryking.us> wrote:
> For one thing, university bookstores need to start carrying maker products
> to reduce the
> engineering learning curve.
> I am VERY happy to say that every incoming Electrical Engineering and
> Computer Science student at
> the University of Connecticut goes to the campus bookstore and buys this
> kit:
> http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/YourDuinoEngStarter
> I sold them 800 of those kits last year and they just told me another 800
> this year. Some other
> Universities use it also.
> This is my happy revenge for 1960 when I dropped OUT of Uconn because I
> realized they weren't
> going to let me TOUCH anything electrical until Senior year. So 55 years
> later, it's the way I
> wanted it to be back then :-)
> 100 years ago, A. C. Gilbert patented the erector set:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erector_Set
> My friend Mark and I called him ..'the Old Man'. Mark's father Dick was
> Sales Manager of AC
> Gilbert and on weekends we'd go down to the idle factory. The Old Man
> would be puttering around in
> the back, Making Things. There were bins and bins of PARTS to make
> American Flyer Trains and
> Erector Sets. Sometimes the Old Man would pull some part out of a bin,
> hand it to us and say "Hey
> Kid, What's That?". "Uh, we'd say. that's an armature for something..
> maybe a train engine".
> "OK, so what's THIS?" Another part. The Old Man gave us PARTS, He never
> said "I'm going to teach
> you something." He and Dick would look at us and laugh. We would make
> stuff out of parts. Mark
> put together the 'truck' of an American Flyer Diesel Locomotive that we
> ran by itself on the
> tracks in Marks bedroom. It went like hell, especially after we put two
> transformers in series.
> I was years later before I realized how much people like the Old Man and
> my Dad's Ham Radio
> buddies went out of their way and put stuff in the hands of us kids. I am
> SO happy to be building
> Erector Sets in the Science Fiction Future of 2015.
> Anything we can do to get Real Stuff in the hands of kids and adults is
> what matters. If you have
> any ideas on how I can help with that, let me know.
> Regards, Terry King
> ...In the Woods in Vermont USA
> terry at terryking.us
> -The One who Dies with the most Parts LOSES. What do you need??
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