[TriEmbed] geekSPARK 2015 call for talent

Ian Hands iphands at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 14:22:55 CDT 2015

Hi all,

My name is Ian, we might have met at the meeting on Monday. I am chief
cat wrangler for geekSPARK this year, and I would like to see your
cool TriEmbed stuff at geekSPARK this year.

For those that don't know "geekSPARK" is one of many SPARKs at
SPARKcon (http://www.sparkcon.com/) the big multiconvention event in
downtown Raleigh that happens every September.

For the past three years we have had a number of 3D printers show up
to our "3D Printer Rodeo" event.
This year I would like to showcase awesome things in the hardware
hacking / embedded genre along with the 3D printers.
Why? I like that stuff!... and I believe all age ranges that show up
will enjoy seeing these things as a well.

If you want to:
- bring something cool (could be even *mostly* working :-D)
- help out in any way
-- sponsor an event
-- come volunteer during the weekend
- be a part of other geekSPARK projects
-- DiMo (Digital Motion Showcase): where code meets art, on a big
wall, with projectors, and neato input devices
--- https://vimeo.com/106179566
--- http://palebluepixel.org/static/projects/dimo/
--- https://github.com/geekspark-rh
-- Big Guitar with fricken LASER BEAMS: a huge light controlled
"guitar" that folks can strum by walking around
-- Dancing cross walk sign: Basically this
- etc.
Please let me know.

Thanks, and it was very nice meeting all of you.
I look forward to attending another TriEmbed meeting.


Sent from me, iHands.

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