[TriEmbed] Need a pair of PIR sensors

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Thu Apr 9 13:15:07 CDT 2015

I need a couple of PIR sensors for a project. I've got a bunch ordered, 
but they won't be here for a while.
I've got gobs of stuff to trade, but by default am offering two pair of 
3.3 volt NRF24L01+ boards and custom adapters that allow them to plug 
into a standard solderless breadboard (but only one label. As soon as I 
can rediscover where I put the draft I can fix the arrow direction and 
print more). They look like this:

(But if you want to swap something different, I'm open. I could part 
with a meter of APA102 smart LEDs, for example: 32 LEDs)

I need something like this:


Note the two adjustment pots (missing from the Radioshack part that 
otherwise looks very similar). I can use anything this size or smaller 
that has the pots and retrig/N-retrig jumper or solder bumps for a 
shorting connector.


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