[TriEmbed] ATMEGA 1284p "Mighty Mini"

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Tue Apr 7 14:07:38 CDT 2015

Hello list,

anyone have an interest in the ATMEGA 1284p-based "mighty mini" dev
board, as shown here:
http://images.craigslist.org/01717_ih3WF8ShWIS_600x450.jpg ?

It's a dev board which provides a SMT ATMEGA 1284p (the largest of the
8-bit ATMEGA for RAM; 16 KB) in a breadboard-friendly format. There are
serial and ISCP programming headers, a 16 mHz crystal, but no voltage
regulator. It's Arduino-compatible (see

I have an extra I'm willing to part with, and could also make more if
people want them.


"The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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