[TriEmbed] Wireless Camera for 3D Printer

pete@soper.us pete at soper.us
Fri Apr 3 16:29:43 CDT 2015

The video stream pushing part is very commo ly done, but be careful to use software known to work with the RPI camera. Motion (in standard distros) still doesn't and I found the "pipe one instance of VLC into a other" aproach to be a complete mess, now matter how low I went with ftame rates. There was some kind of (missing) flow control problem causing longer and longer latency between motion and output by the remote VLC. Equal parties hilarity and frustration.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Glen Smith" <mrglenasmith at gmail.com>
To: "Dishit Parekh" <dpparekh at ncsu.edu>
Cc: "TriEmbed Discussion" <triembed at triembed.org>
Subject: [TriEmbed] Wireless Camera for 3D Printer
Date: Fri, Apr 3, 2015 5:14 PM

If you add the camera to the Pi, I assume that the Pi could push the camera data over a USB WiFi adapter. Thus you could use a single port to both view the camera and have some control of the printer via GPIO ports & relays on the Pi or whatever the OctoPrint software interface is.
On Apr 3, 2015 5:02 PM, "Dishit Parekh" <dpparekh at ncsu.edu> wrote:Hi Glen,
Thanks for all the awesome suggestions. I was preferring wireless connection because at NC State to activate a ethernet port if it has been inactive for a while, it takes about 100 bucks or so. I hence wanted to just stick in a wireless network adapter and get the ball rolling. :-)

On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 11:45 AM, Glen Smith <mrglenasmith at gmail.com> wrote:
The Pi cam does come with a short cable, but other lengths are available from adafruit:

Is there a particular reason you want to go wireless? 
On Apr 3, 2015 11:40 AM, "Michael Fulbright" <mike.fulbright at pobox.com> wrote:

I use a Logitech C510 webcam on my
ubuntu laptop controlling a 3d printer.  I run 'motion' and have
it setup a streaming port that you can view with any modern
browser and no extra software.  Just be sure to disable all the
motion detection - the streaming will still work.  Otherwise it
will go nuts filling your disk taking video and snapshots of your
printer moving around.  On my ancient laptop streaming 1280x1024 @
50% quality and 2 fps it uses only about 30% CPU.   You can watch
the stream on a tablet or smartphone also which gives nice

For the Pi as Dan mentioned you will probably want to use the
MotionEye frontend for motion to utilize the very nice Raspberry
Pi camera.  I would still consider a simple webcam for your
application just because it allows you more freedom for optimal
placement since a webcam will have at least a 6 ft cord instead of
the 6 inch flex cable you have with the Pi camera.

Michael Fulbright

On 4/3/2015 10:37 AM, Dishit Parekh wrote:

Hi all,

I am using a CubePro Trio 3d Printer from 3D Systems in my
lab at NC state and wish to control it wirelessly from an
outdoor location (home, office, etc.). I am planning to use
the OctoPrint
software for the controlling part with a Raspberry Pi. Can you
suggest me some good cameras to monitor the activity of my 3d
printer for the same. Thank you! :)


Thanks and Regards,

Dishit Parekh

PhD Student - 2nd Year,

External VP, CBE GSA

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering (CBE),

North Carolina State University, USA.

(M): (919) 888-8274, E-mail: dpparekh at ncsu.edu 

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Thanks and Regards,
Dishit Parekh
PhD Student - 2nd Year,
External VP, CBE GSA
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE),
North Carolina State University, USA.
Phone (M): (919) 888-8274, E-mail: dpparekh at ncsu.edu 
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