[TriEmbed] Wireless Camera for 3D Printer

Glen Smith mrglenasmith at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 16:14:55 CDT 2015

If you add the camera to the Pi, I assume that the Pi could push the camera
data over a USB WiFi adapter. Thus you could use a single port to both view
the camera and have some control of the printer via GPIO ports & relays on
the Pi or whatever the OctoPrint software interface is.

On Apr 3, 2015 5:02 PM, "Dishit Parekh" <dpparekh at ncsu.edu> wrote:

> Hi Glen,
> Thanks for all the awesome suggestions. I was preferring wireless
> connection because at NC State to activate a ethernet port if it has been
> inactive for a while, it takes about 100 bucks or so. I hence wanted to
> just stick in a wireless network adapter and get the ball rolling. :-)
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 11:45 AM, Glen Smith <mrglenasmith at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The Pi cam does come with a short cable, but other lengths are available
>> from adafruit:
>> http://www.adafruit.com/products/2087
>> Is there a particular reason you want to go wireless?
>> On Apr 3, 2015 11:40 AM, "Michael Fulbright" <mike.fulbright at pobox.com>
>> wrote:
>>>  I use a Logitech C510 webcam on my ubuntu laptop controlling a 3d
>>> printer.  I run 'motion' and have it setup a streaming port that you can
>>> view with any modern browser and no extra software.  Just be sure to
>>> disable all the motion detection - the streaming will still work.
>>> Otherwise it will go nuts filling your disk taking video and snapshots of
>>> your printer moving around.  On my ancient laptop streaming 1280x1024 @ 50%
>>> quality and 2 fps it uses only about 30% CPU.   You can watch the stream on
>>> a tablet or smartphone also which gives nice flexibility.
>>> For the Pi as Dan mentioned you will probably want to use the MotionEye
>>> frontend for motion to utilize the very nice Raspberry Pi camera.  I would
>>> still consider a simple webcam for your application just because it allows
>>> you more freedom for optimal placement since a webcam will have at least a
>>> 6 ft cord instead of the 6 inch flex cable you have with the Pi camera.
>>> Michael Fulbright
>>> On 4/3/2015 10:37 AM, Dishit Parekh wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>>  I am using a CubePro Trio 3d Printer from 3D Systems in my lab at NC
>>> state and wish to control it wirelessly from an outdoor location (home,
>>> office, etc.). I am planning to use the OctoPrint <http://octoprint.org>
>>> software for the controlling part with a Raspberry Pi. Can you suggest me
>>> some good cameras to monitor the activity of my 3d printer for the same.
>>> Thank you! :)
>>>  --
>>>    Thanks and Regards,
>>> Dishit Parekh
>>> *PhD Student - 2nd Year,*
>>> *External VP, **CBE GSA*
>>> * Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE), North
>>> Carolina State University, USA.*
>>>  *Phone (M):* (919) 888-8274, *E-mail:* dpparekh at ncsu.edu *
>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dishit-parekh/22/819/5a0/>*
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> --
> Thanks and Regards,
> Dishit Parekh
> *PhD Student - 2nd Year,*
> *External VP, **CBE GSA*
> *Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE),North Carolina
> State University, USA.*
> *Phone (M):* (919) 888-8274, *E-mail:* dpparekh at ncsu.edu *
> <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/dishit-parekh/22/819/5a0/>*
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