[TriEmbed] Waterproof Connectors

Sofie Permana shperman at ncsu.edu
Sat Sep 6 06:52:50 CDT 2014

Have you tried Sugru to cover the gap between the cable and the housing? I
tried to connect a drilled glass bottle and a small plastic pipe using
Sugru before and it is both air-proof (small pressure) and waterproof. With
a good pressure, I can also take release the pipe/Sugru off the bottle too,
so I think it is releaseable.

http://letsmakerobots.com/content/waterproofing-dc-motor-sugru (an example
of waterproofing using Sugru, because I can't find the one I used before)


On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 9:02 PM, Charles McClelland <chip at mcclellands.org>

> To all,
> I have been using Pelican boxes for my outdoor projects as they provide
> IP67 protection (dust and immersion up to 1m for some period at least).
>  The problem is that I need to connect my board inside the box to the
> sensor outside.  So, I have been drilling a hole in the side and passing
> the wire through, then terminating both ends (6 pins) and sealing with
> either hot glue or silicon calk.  There are two problems with this
> approach:
> 1) I can’t take the cabe out if I want to use a different sensor or a
> different length of cable
> 2) Over time, the movement of the wire opens gaps that let in water.
> So, I have been looking for a solution.  Here is what I have tried so far:
> - Better and more glue and caulk - not much luck and still have issue #1
> - The Hirose HR-30 waterproof connectors
> <https://www.hirose.co.jp/cataloge_hp/e13000041.pdf> - very cool but
> expensive ($14 a pop - more than the Pelican case) and a real pain in the
> ass to solder
> - Adafruit has a cool waterproof Ethernet gland
> <https://www.adafruit.com/products/827> but it is too big and bulky for
> the case (will bring on Monday in case you need one).
> - Adafruit also sells some smaller glands
> <https://www.adafruit.com/products/762> which are my lead candidates
> though they don’t solve issue #1.
> So, if you know of a 6 connector solution that is small, cheap and
> waterproof - I would love to hear your thoughts.
> Thanks,
> Chip
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