[TriEmbed] Durham hamfest is NEXT week Re: logistics for Saturday afternoon

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Fri May 16 14:02:28 CDT 2014

Assuming you can be there to host it there is no conflict with the 
TriEmbed meeting tomorrow, but folks should not try to find the Durham 
Hamfest tomorrow, as it is happening on the 24th. :-)


On 05/15/2014 06:34 PM, Scott Hall wrote:
> On 05/15/2014 04:41 PM, Pete Soper wrote:
>> Scott,
>>   At the TriEmbed meeting this past Monday night at NCSU I relayed 
>> your msg about Durham Hamfest butting up against this Saturday's 
>> scheduled embedded group meeting that starts at 2pm.
>>   My question is whether there will be a Splatspace member (with a 
>> key) at the 'Space at 2pm and next to a functional phone to let folks 
>> in for a TriEmbed meeting there? I can't be there (and since I don't 
>> have a key, it wouldn't affect the situation if I was).
>> -Pete
> Working on it.
> -- 
> Scott G. Hall
> Raleigh, NC, USA
> ScottGHall1 at GMail.Com

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