[TriEmbed] Another College Drop out Billionaire Made from his garage

John Vaughters jvaughters04 at yahoo.com
Tue May 13 16:42:42 CDT 2014

> There were a lot of folks trying to make the first Apple, Jobs just got lucky, so did Palmer!

Luck = Opportunity + Preparedness 

Technology runs in cycles and the last Super Cycle ended around 2000 and we have been making small incremental advances since. But just as the Integrated Circuit opened up a huge world of cheap low cost parts for Engineers and Hobbyist to create amazing technology that lead to the Home Computer, now we have Open-Source software and Hardware that is churning out a similar affect. Never has it been easier or cheaper to create technology. The Maker Community has never been more active; it is much more active than the late '70s.

Open-Source Concept is the next big technology driver. The communities feed each other, whether you are a heavy science community or just a hacker. Everyone's input moves this forward. I predicted around 2000 that Open-Source Software would take over computing because of this Group Think effect and it is happening at a much faster pace and in ways I couldn't imagine. We are very near the breakthrough point where you are seeing large corporations buying up all the little highly innovative companies and putting big money behind it to make things happen. It still takes time for the development to occur once the money is put into the technology, but we are seeing the investments now. 

I would say that those that have been preparing themselves for this time are starting to see the opportunities and LUCK becomes more likely. Were the Wright Brothers Lucky? or just prepared for the opportunity. They were certainly not highly trained and did not get a Research Center named after them like Langley, nor should they.  It was just at a time when the world had reached a point where technology had advanced enough to allow them to succeed with the skills they possessed. We are reaching that point where technologies are coming together in very interesting ways and LUCK abounds.

Similar technology cycles can be found in History. Too much to discuss, but read up on the following topics and you will see similarities in previous Economic and Technology cycles. Our current Computer Age is in it's infancy and it is moving into a new stage of physical interaction of AI/Robotics. Exciting time to be alive and watch. 

Steam Engine

John Vaughters
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