[TriEmbed] DIY Metal solder paste stencil for SMD

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Tue May 6 17:32:27 CDT 2014


I'd like to add one additional warning about those chemicals. Acetone 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flammability_limit> will ignite at twice 
the air/fuel ratio of gasoline and it's very volatile, so at higher 
temps like described in that how-to it might be possible to set yourself 
up for something extremely unpleasant with an open flame or spark in the 
vicinity. A very, very good mask would be a given, of course. But the 
hydrochloric acid/peroxide mixture made my hair stand on end.  I didn't 
read must past that, so I don't know if they call for heating that 

Around age 11-12 I  was casting zinc/sulfur solid rocket propellant and 
doing other insanely dangerous things. But now days after reading this 
the hundred dollars for a stainless steel stencil seems completely 
reasonable. :-)


On 05/06/2014 04:02 PM, Shane Trent wrote:
> Pete,
> Here is the article I mentioned last night about making metal paste 
> stencils. I do not recall if this has been posted here so I thought I 
> would post it. I am enjoying many of the projects at LowPowerLab.
> http://lowpowerlab.com/blog/2013/02/11/diy-smd-metal-stencils-the-definitive-tutorial/
> Shane
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