[TriEmbed] Ground Confusion

Jeffrey Crews cruzetti at gmail.com
Thu May 1 13:46:22 CDT 2014

Apropos of nothing, the same issue arises in guitar wiring; you can get hum
if you have ground loops.


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Martin Brooke <martin.brooke at duke.edu>wrote:

> ​If you are using the chip for 3.3 V out you do not need to worry.
> The problem arises when you use the resistors R1 and R2 to support a
> higher output voltage.​
> If the ground on Resistor R2 (see page 12 of the data sheet) is not very
> close to pin 9 you could get small voltages due to current in the ground
> paths making your circuit behave unexpectedly.
> ​The example PCB in the other document you had on the dropbox has this
> type of layout​.
> For the 3.3V case the resistors are internal to the IC and so you need not
> worry.
> If you are worried about ground use a two layer board and make the back
> ground, avoiding any long gaps, or large holes in the back ground plane.
>  Then just use vias to that ground plane for all your ground connections.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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