[TriEmbed] Atmega328 does run without crystal/resonator

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Sat Mar 22 14:17:04 CDT 2014

I'm running this chip at 8mhz without a crystal. I just use two bypass 


> Paul,
> I was planning on using the ATMEGA328 as that is what is on the Arduino Pro Mini board.  Now that you mention it, I guess I could use the ATTiny84.  I did try to use the pin change interrupt on the ATTiny84 but was not able to get it to awake form sleep except with a LOW signal.  I wonder if that may be a limitation of the Sleep library I am using.
> Back to the chip choice.  Please let me know if I am missing anything on this list of pros and cons:
> ATTiny84
> 	- Pros: Cost, size, number of external components required
> 	- Cons: This board uses both SPI and I2C so would need to learn how to "bit bang"
> 	- Don't know - power / battery life?
> 	- Pros: More pins for inputs and indicators (thinking about adding some more controls)
> 	- Cons: Cost, size, needs an external crystal
> The easy choice would be to stay with the ATMEGA328 as I have the sketch working and have developed and field tested the design over the past 6 months.  But, am I missing something that could sway me toward the Tiny?
> Thanks,
> Chip
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