[TriEmbed] Tonight IEEE - learn more about the IBM Watson system and it's role in cognitive computing

Rodney Radford ncgadgetry at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 09:47:24 CDT 2014

Final reminder about the IBM Watson presentation tonight!
On May 28, 2014 2:37 PM, "Rodney Radford" <ncgadgetry at gmail.com> wrote:

> Crossposting this to a few lists as the topic crosses several interest
> groups:
> -----------
> The June meeting of the IEEE Robotics and Automation chapter next Monday,
> June 1, will host Eric Woods, one of the developers of the IBM Watson
> system.
> He will discuss IBM Watson's role in the era of cognitive computing, how
> the technology has evolved from Jeopardy! to today, and how IBM is putting
> Watson to work in the marketplace
> He will also introduce the new Watson Ecosystem and how you can get
> involved.
> If you are planning to attend (or think you may), please sign up at the
> web link below so we can know how much pizza/drink to order (we ran out the
> last two months as we had almost double the number show up as registered).
> https://meetings.vtools.ieee.org/meeting_view/list_meeting/25555
> If you don't register and your plans change at the last minute, please
> drop by anyway!
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