[TriEmbed] [OBSOLETE trianglearduino:1095] Problem with AtTiny85 and buttons

Robert Mackie rob at mackies.org
Tue Jul 15 14:55:45 CDT 2014

You're absolutely right.   It depends on the application.  Talking about
taking "about a second" to turn off led me to presume it was still at the
human perception level.


On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 3:29 PM, R Craig <roncraig007 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Doesn't it sort of depend, Rob, on who or what is at the other end?
> Without debouncing the button, the IR LED will flash on-off-on-off some
> number of times before settling down to on.  If the other end were just a
> human looking at the light, then sure, it wouldn't matter because the human
> would never detect or be confused by the very brief flashes.  This being an
> IR, though, I imagine there is another piece of electronics at the other
> end, and it might or might not be confused by the IR going on and off a
> bunch of times with each single button press.
> If it is a sensor in a target, it might well register 6 or 8 hits (racking
> up some serious points in the process) with just a single press of the
> button.  The point of debouncing the button is to ensure your output
> switches state just *once* with each press.  For an IR LED, it might make
> quite a difference, depending on the circumstances.
> Best,
> Ron
> --------------------------------------------
> On Tue, 7/15/14, Robert Mackie <rob at mackies.org> wrote:
>  Subject: Re: [TriEmbed] [OBSOLETE trianglearduino:1095] Problem with
> AtTiny85 and buttons
>  To: "Adam Haile" <email at adamhaile.net>
>  Cc: "TriEmbed Discussion" <triembed at triembed.org>
>  Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 2:15 PM
>  Just to
>  emphasize, since you weren't doing a toggled state but
>  were having the light simply show the current pressed state
>  of the button (bright when switch closed, no light when
>  switch open) you don't need to worry about
>  de-bouncing.
>  However, you do need to take
>  care of biasing the input as described in Adam's email
>  or with an external resistor.
>  Rob.
>  On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Adam Haile <email at adamhaile.net>
>  wrote:
>  Joe,
>  Easiest
>  way to do the mentioned bias resistors is to use the
>  one's built into the AT chip :)Every IO pin
>  on the AT series chips have an internal pull-up resistor
>  ranging from 10k-50k ohm (depending on the chip
>  model).
>  To enable it, you set the
>  pin mode to input and then write a high bit to it. Sounds
>  weird, but that's just the way the resisters
>  work:
>  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
>  digitalWrite(buttonPin, HIGH);
>  //sets internal pull-up
>  Then, simply wire your button
>  to "pull" that pin to ground. i.e. hook one side
>  of the button to buttonPin and the other to ground. When the
>  button closes the bias is now ground because it has the
>  least resistance and your micro will see LOW. See the
>  following for more: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/DigitalPins
>  For debouncing, if you aren't too worried
>  about not doing it the most efficient way try this:
> http://playground.arduino.cc/code/bounce
>  At its simplest, you can do something like
>  this:
>  uint8_t _oldState = HIGH;uint8_t _curState =
>  _oldState;long bounceThreshold = 100;//wait
>  100ms, increase or decrease depending on how sesitive you
>  want the debouncing
>  _curState =
>  digitalRead(buttonPin);
>  if(_curState != _oldState){    delay(bounceThreshold);    if(_curState ==
>  digitalRead(buttonPin))
>      {        if(_curState)        {            // turn LED
>  on:
>          }        else        {            // turn LED
>  off:
>          }        _oldState =
>  _curState;    }}
>  It's pretty basic, but it gets the job done
>  in most cases. Note, this should make it so the LED is on
>  only while the button is actually down. It's not a
>  toggle (press on/press off). To to that, in the if(_curSate)
>  section just flip a boolean (ledState != ledState) and then
>  at the end of that whole if statement do
>  digitalWrite(ledPin, ledState);
>  There's many ways to
>  skin this one... personally I use external interrupts with
>  buttons... but that's a whole other lesson. Though, side
>  note. The reason the internal bias resistors are pull-up is
>  that the chips are set to only be able to be woken from
>  sleep when the external interrupt goes LOW. You can
>  configure the interrupts to react to LOW or HIGH, but being
>  woken from sleep is a special case and it looks like they
>  simplified the chip circuit by requiring that a wake be a
>  LOW pulse.
>  On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 10:15 AM,
>  Glen Smith <mrglenasmith at gmail.com>
>  wrote:
>  I'm guessing that
>  you have 2 problems. One is due to your input switch
>  bouncing. When a mechanical switch closes it does not simply
>  change from false to true. For a few milliseconds
>  (immediately for us slow humans but forever for a
>  u-processor running this little bit of code) it bounces back
>  & forth between the two states. Regardless of how fast
>  or hard you push that switch, the Tiny85 will see many of
>  these changes.
>  The other thing you are running into is called
>  a floating input. When you set the button as an input, you
>  need to use a resistor to bias the input to return to a
>  known level. Think of it like a lever, unless a spring
>  pushes or pulls the lever to a known state, when you let go
>  of it, the lever will simply stay where you left it. In the
>  case of your input, you left it high, so the charge on the
>  input slowly dissipates, and a second or so later the Tiny85
>  sees it as a low. These biasing resistors are called pull-up
>  & pull-down resistors.
>  On Jul 15, 2014 6:58
>  AM, "Bothari" <bothari at gmail.com>
>  wrote:
>  Group,
>  I've been learning about
>  hardware for the last couple of months, but I've come up
>  against a problem with inputs.  I put together a little IR
>  gun with the AtTiny85, but I can't get the trigger to
>  fire the gun.  I've reduced the problem to one AtTiny85
>  with a resistor and LED, but I still don't understand
>  what's going on.
>  With the below code (Blink
>  from the examples) I can touch the #2 pin high and the light
>  on pin 3 comes on, but it stays on for like a second or so
>  before going off.  I think it should go off immediately.
>  I added 3 blinks
>  on the LED on startup to make sure I know when it resets,
>  and the fuse bits for the oscillator are set to 8mHz.  That
>  works as expected.
>  Any
>  ideas?
>  Joe
>  const
>  int buttonPin = 2;     // the number of the pushbutton
>  pinconst int ledPin =  3;      // the number
>  of the LED pin
>  //
>  variables will change:
>  int buttonState = 0;         // variable for
>  reading the pushbutton status
>  void setup() {  //
>  initialize the LED pin as an output:
>  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
>    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);   // initialize
>  the pushbutton pin as an input:
>  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
>    //Show that we
>  rebooted  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
>    delay(300);   digitalWrite(ledPin,
>  LOW);    delay(300);
>    digitalWrite(ledPin,
>  HIGH);  delay(300);
>  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
>  delay(300);
>    digitalWrite(ledPin,
>  HIGH);  delay(300);
>  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
>  delay(300); }
>  void loop(){  // read
>  the state of the pushbutton value:
>    buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
>    // check if the pushbutton is
>  pressed.  // if it is, the buttonState is
>  HIGH:  if (buttonState == HIGH) {
>        // turn LED on:
>      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
>  }   else {    // turn LED
>  off:    digitalWrite(ledPin,
>  LOW);   }}
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