[TriEmbed] Freescale K20 doc (re: McHck)

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Thu Feb 27 07:39:43 CST 2014

If like me you've stumbled through the main, clear as mud K20 family 
datasheet while wondering what the real differences are between the 
umpteen flavors of Freescale's K20/21/22 ARM chips, here is the doc made 
for us (juicy bit starts at page 6):


The McHck BOM includes a very low end K20: MK20DX32VLF5 (details 
starting on page 10).

I'm hoping there's no gotcha with using larger (in terms of memory) 
versions. Here are the specs and Mouser  prices for 3 flavors. For $1.06 
more than the standard chip I'd like to have virtual acres of memory and 
start using a real operating system (e.g. FreeRTOS) while not having to 
worry much about constraints.

                        FLASH  FLEXNVM  EEPROM/FLEXRAM  SRAM (all in 

MK20DX32VLF5    $3.72   32      32 2              8
MK20DX64VLF5     4.15    64      32      2     16
MK20DX128VLF5    4.78   128      32      2             16


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