[TriEmbed] Proposed talk for September's meeting

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Thu Aug 14 07:46:21 CDT 2014

    Lee is welcome to introduce himself and propose a talk for a future 
meeting. There is certainly pent up demand for treatment of the BBB.
    There was a call for presentations last month and the time order of 
responders was Chip, Paul, and Fred (leading to Chip's talk this week).  
At an amazingly late hour Monday night there was follow up with Paul and 
general interest expressed about the topic of interrupts and interrupt 
handling and how to demystify this subject.
   When Paul's had time to think about this he can estimate what kind of 
time will be available to other presenters with short and sweet 
material. As much as we wanted to fit it in there was general agreement 
that we need to wait until October to give Fred the floor to share tips 
about hardware tricks for building electronics.


On 08/13/2014 06:09 PM, Scott Hall wrote:
> Lee Atkinson has been working on Beaglebone Black's using the Cloud-9 
> IDE and Node.JS to connect to "Fidget"s sensor and actuator breakout 
> boards.
> I thought it would make a great presentation talk for the Sept. 8 
> meeting.  Lee's example is to gather data from voltage and current, 
> temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and light level sensors and 
> do data logging, and filtering for triggers to set or unset a 
> relay(s).  I think this dovetails well with this month's talk on 
> sending that data to an online datastore for aggregation and analytics.
> -- 
> Scott G. Hall
> Raleigh, NC, USA
> ScottGHall1 at GMail.Com

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