[TriEmbed] Question concerning a mechanical release

Glen Smith mrglenasmith at gmail.com
Tue Sep 24 08:56:52 CDT 2013

I see that others have chimed in with some possible solutions, if I'm too
late to the party, that's just how things go for me.


Adafruit has three different solenoids that might work, 2 marked as 9-24v
and the one linked above which is listed as 9-12v. Personal experience with
the large 9-24v one indicates that less than about 18v gives less than
satisfactory results - especially if the magnet needs to pull against
gravity or any other frictional or weight resistance. But with a good
MOSFET and protection diode, these can be simply actuated by TTL levels.

Hope this helps.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Lucas Rumney <lrrumney at ncsu.edu> wrote:

> I am trying to make something that would achieve the following end:
> raspberry pi being able to release a weight on a string.
> My idea was that the pi could send a signal to disengage some kind of
> clamp and release the weight, but I am not sure what kind of clamp or what
> I should use here?
> Does anyone have any better ideas how to release a weight on a string
> controlled by a pi?
> Thanks, I can't attend this meeting because of my courseload, but I still
> want to participate in general discussions.
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