[TriEmbed] Reminder: TriEmbed meeting @ NCSU Monday August 12 7pm & future mtg info

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Thu Aug 8 16:44:59 CDT 2013

This is a reminder that the regular monthly meeting at NCSU will be this 
Monday evening at 7pm, at the usual Centennial Campus location in room 
1228 of Engineering Bldg II, 890 Oval Drive, Raleigh, NC. Here's a map: 
Google Map of TriEmbed Mtg @ NCSU 

This month's short tutorial will be by Shane Trent. Shane will discuss 
connecting sensors to an Arudino and how to use some of the tools in the 
Arduino IDE.  Temperature sensors along with light and possibly 
barometric pressure sensors will be demonstrated. Shane has a BS in 
Electrical Engineering and an MS in Materials Engineering and has worked 
as a control systems engineer and design engineer for automated test 
systems.  Embedded work includes an auto-leveling and filling system for 
an x-ray film processors (ask about fixing the processor Hula) and an 
automotive accessory power controller.  He enjoys troubleshooting 
problems in electronic systems.

In September the students will be back on campus at NCSU and we've been 
asked to provide beginner's program material aimed at their needs in 
regards to the "most popular" single board computers, which at the 
moment include Arduino and Raspberry Pi, of course. If you'd like to 
help with creating a program for the September meeting plan on joining a 
breakout group for that during Monday's meeting or afterward (depending 
on time constraints). We'd like to target the "AtTiny Revisited" 
presentation for a later month for the sake of giving the NCSU students 
the best welcome to TriEmbed.

Circumstances make it necessary to hold the TriEmbed meeting at 
SplatSpace on the 24th (i.e. 4th Saturday vs traditional 3rd). There is 
a Meetup Page <http://www.meetup.com/splatspace/events/132971912/> for 
this meeting hosted by Scott Hall.

Additional details about our organization are on the TriEmbed Web Page 
<http://TriEmbed.org>. I pruned out the job listing as that's been up 
for many weeks now, but announcements of opportunities are always 
welcome at meetings and web links can be put up to supplement those 

(I have some personal distractions going on and can't commit to either 
the August SplatSpace or NCSU September meetings yet, but I look forward 
to seeing you all on Monday!)


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