Project Edger

Fast • Cheap • Right

Interfacing arbitrary peripherals free of application code generation

Modern electronics manufacturers have produced a plethora of development boards to demonstrate their products. No common software interface platform exists to support easy prototyping of these devices. Edger proposes to address this problem.

Developed by the Triangle Embedded Interest Group (TriEmbed) Community


A GNU Mailman email list is being prepared. In the meantime announcements are posted to the TriEmbed email list.


Reference materials are temporarily at (Quercus was the project's former name).


Edger reflects the input and work of a lot of people.  The current Edger development team consists of:

Ron Craig
Nick Edgington
Haven Harris
Jaime Johnsen
Paul MacDougal
Rob Mackie
Carl Nobile
Glen Smith
Pete Soper
Dawn Trembath

The full list of foundational meeting attendees and project observers is here.


Diamond Planet

Paladium with Diamond Studs

Nick Edgington
Apex Proto Factory



The Edger Development Group


The Forge Initiative
Shane Trent

Yellow Ribbon

Blue Ribbon

last update October 1, 2022

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