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Wednesday October
26, 2022 Edger Development Meeting
from 6:30pm, meeting from 7-9pm. The Forge Initiative is at 2172
Salem St., suite 001, Apex, NC<br>
<li>Project Briefing<br>
<li>Major revision of code<br>
<li>More generic<br>
<li>More position independent (i.e. on both LAN and WAN)<br>
<li>More configurable<br>
<li>(Under the covers: complex as all get out!)<br>
<li>Short demo<br>
<ol start="2">
<li>Provisional patent application status<br>
<li>Rob Mackey briefing about Edger/Forge Initiative
<li>November 9 meeting preview<br>
<li>Workshop for building new “white boards” to use ESP32 C3
module and enable an inexpensive JTAG debug interface<br>
<li>12 kits of parts: Espressif ESP32-C3-DEVKIT-02, USB
breakout for JTAG interface, Renesas ForgeFPGA DIP board,
830 point solderless breadboard<br>
<ol start="5">
<li>Demo JTAG with ESP32<br>
<li>Edger Handouts<br>
<li>Answers basic questions about the project<br>
<li>But incomplete: what do <b>you</b><span
style="font-weight: normal"> want to see in this?</span><br>
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