<div dir="ltr"><div>TriEmbed,<br><br></div>You are invited to join TriLUG tonight!<br><br>Over
the past year we received multiple requests for Software Defined Radio
(SDR), Raspberry Pi (RPi), and Internet of Things (IOT) related topics.<br><br>Tonight
we have an excellent topic that offers you a unique educational
opportunity to develop skill sets which will cascade directly into your
SDR, RPi, and IOT abilities.<br><br>Tonight you will learn about packet
networking over ham radio. Based on interest, you may also have the
opportunity to get hands on experience at a following TriLUG hack night.
Plans are also in the making to provide ham operator training sessions
and licensing exams at our TriLUG Hack Night location.<br><br>With
Linux, an RPi, an antenna, and a Ham license, your devices can
communicate long range. This capability may be useful to control a
device in your back yard or to retrieve data from a weather balloon
carrying a 3d Printed TriTux penguin launched into nearspace during a
solar eclipse. Tonight's topic is a highly educational opportunity that
will enable you to do so many great things. Tadd Torberg is a wealth of
knowledge. You are sure to enjoy this meeting. We will see you there and
feel free to invite others to enjoy free pizza, free drinks, free
software, (even free beer at the same location 430pm-630pm), and most of
all people who care about freedom.<br><br>Full meeting details <a href="https://trilug.org/TARPN-Off-The-Grid-Text-Messaging" target="_blank">https://trilug.org/TARPN-Off-<wbr>The-Grid-Text-Messaging</a><br><br>Jeremy Davis<br>TriLUG PR<br><br></div>