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<p> The September 12th meeting will be back in room 1007 of NCSU
Engineering Building One through December, but there is a chance
we'll get bumped to an alternate room by finals on December 12th.
I'll update the web site maps, etc, as soon as I can.</p>
<p> I've pinged a few folks about program material, but gotten no
bites, so as things stand we're wide open to suggestions. <br>
<p> Recently Drew Fustini of <a href="http://oshpark.com">OSH Park</a>
discovered our web site and email list and sent a number of
compliments our way. And Drew sent a $100 discount coupon. I
propose we share this across the group somehow. TriEmbed was
created over the last few years by a lot of people, and lots of
you, both local and remote (out to Texas!) have created the web
and email content. Perhaps we could do a pair of PCB CAD workshops
and submit a set of design files with the coupon? A couple
Saturday morning at Splatspace, perhaps, for folks to get off
square one with the tools and then do final prep and submission of
a set of designs? Just an idea. But in simple terms, we're talking
about three copies of 20 square inches of PCB delivered from new
or existing designs (OSH Park has a mind boggling collection of
community-submitted shared designs). This might naturally feed
into assembly and soldering workshops in coming months.<br>