<div dir="ltr"><div>A brand new IEEE SIG for Internet of Things (IoT) will be hosting it's very first meeting on December 2nd on NCSU campus.<br><br></div><div>I am very excited about this and thought that there was enough overlap in the three groups targeted here (Triangle robotics, Triangle Embedded, Triangle Linux) to hit all three groups. I will send out one more reminder as we get close to the event, but wanted to give everyone a chance to make sure to get this on their calendar.<br><br>I hope to see you there.<br><br>----------------------------<br><div id="meeting-description">
<p><a href="https://meetings.vtools.ieee.org/m/36760">https://meetings.vtools.ieee.org/m/36760</a><br><br>IoT (Internet of Things) SIG (Special Interest Group) Launch</p>
<p>Topic: Security for Ambient Assisted Living Multi-factor Authentication in the Internet of Things</p>
<p>Will describe mechanisms for achieving strong, multi-factor
authentication in Ambient Assisted Living environments. These mechanisms
rely on biometric-based technologies to provide information security
and privacy in the Internet of Things. The importance of user choice and
ease of use of authentication methods in achieving universal access to
services in assistive environments is described. Cryptographic algorithm
and protocol solutions that depend on a Public Key Infrastructure for
the protection of sensitive information are discussed. Lighter weight
alternatives are then proposed that use authenticated key exchange to
combat phishing and other attacks and provide mutual authentication and
data confidentiality</p>
<p><strong>Phil Griffin<br>ISSA Fellow, CISM</strong></p>
<p>Phillip is a CISM and ISSA Fellow and IEEE Senior Member with over 20
years of information assurance experience. Phil has served as a trusted
security adviser, security architect, and consultant with leading
corporations. He has acted as committee chair, editor, and head of
delegation in the development of US national and international security
standards, and he currently serves on the ISSA Educational Advisory
Council and the ISSA Journal Editorial Advisory Board. His current work
encompasses encryption technologies, access control, and biometric
information security management policy. Phil has nine U.S. patents at
the intersection of biometrics, RFID, and information security, a number
of academic and professional technical publications, and he has spoken
at leading security conferences around the world.</p>