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The Triangle area embedded development interest group (TriEmbed) is
meeting this Monday at 7pm at the NCSU Centenial Campus Engineering
Bldg I rm 1005 (next door to the "usual" of the past few meetings).
This month's format will be a continuation of short talks not
covered or wanting updates from last month. One new topic for
discussion is the idea of a "parts exchange" aka "swap site" that
might enable folks in the area to barter needed/surplus items with
minimal hassle. <br>
Bring your gadgets and gizmos for show and tell during the second
<a href="http://triembed.org/blog/?page_id=292">More meeting details
and map here</a>.<br>
<a href="http://TriEmbed.org">Main website</a><br>
919 270 9433