<div dir="ltr"><div><div>I want to thank everybody that indicated to me that they can help on Friday and Saturday.<br><br></div>Friday -- meet at 3:00pm <i><b>SHARP</b></i> at west entrance (back parking ramp area) to unload stuff to tables, initially layout, and cover with table-cloths overnight. I have to leave at 4:00pm because of Good Friday service obligations in Wake Forest -- including change of clothes.<br>
* though there will be some security, do not leave stuff overnight that you would be worried could get stolen, like laptops, monitors, wireless keyboards, etc.<br><br></div>We have 3 tables shared among Splat*Space, TriLUG and TriEmbed. Here is how I envisioned their layout:<br>
<div><br clear="all"><div><div>2/3 table: TriLUG linux CD give-away and fundraiser<br>2/3 table: Splat*Space fold-out and electronic kit sales<br>1/3 table: TriEmbed microcontroller project showcase<br>
2/3 table: old "Mt. Doom" equipment sales<br>2/3 table: Learn-to-Solder stations<div class=""><div id=":1go" class="" tabindex="0"><br><div id=":1go" class="" tabindex="0"><div id=":1go" class="" tabindex="0">Saturday:<br>
</div>Volunteer Roles:<br> * TriLUG - hand out and burn new DVD's/CD's<br></div><div id=":1go" class="" tabindex="0"> * Splat*Space - sell "Mt. Doom" stuff<br></div> * TriEmbed - demonstrate projects, run Learn-to-Solder sessions<br>
</div><div id=":1go" class="" tabindex="0">-- all to answer any questions about the respective organizations<br></div><div id=":1go" class="" tabindex="0"><br></div>7:00am - 9:00am Setup tables and any initial preparation<br>
<div id=":1go" class="" tabindex="0">9:00am <img class="" src="https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/images/cleardot.gif">- 11:00pm Hamfest opens, first group of active volunteers<br></div>11:00pm - 1:00pm Second group volunteers (relief group)</div>
<div class=""><div id=":1go" class="" tabindex="0">1:00pm - 3:00pm Third group of volunteers<br></div><div id=":1go" class="" tabindex="0">3:00pm - 5:00pm Hamfest closes down, last of volunteers<br></div><div id=":1go" class="" tabindex="0">
5:00pm - 6:30pm Load up Scott's truck with leftovers, cleanup<br></div></div><br>-- <br>Scott G. Hall<br>Raleigh, NC, USA<br><a href="mailto:scottghall1@gmail.com" target="_blank">scottghall1@gmail.com</a><br>