<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div>Asked at this evenings meeting was a question about alternatives to OSHpark. While I have not done any primary research, I recalled seeing some information on LadyAda's website. A Google search brings up the following web site:<a href="http://www.ladyada.net/library/pcb/manufacturers.html">http://www.ladyada.net/library/pcb/manufacturers.html</a> As I said during the meeting, it is a bit out of date, the date on the top of the writeup is May 17, 2011, and BatchPCB is listed with no mention of it sunseting.<br>
<br></div>OSHPark is listed as "good for testing/experimenting with a design" with "excellent quality" boards. A quick read indicates that LadyAda's preferred vendor is Advanced Circuits at <a href="http://www.4pcb.com/">http://www.4pcb.com/</a> <br>
<br></div>I have no personal experience with any of these vendors, other than ordering a few kits from AdaFruit, which presumably means I have PCB's she ordered from one of them.<br><br></div>I will also post a link to Felix Rasu's <a href="http://lowpoerlab.com">http://lowpoerlab.com</a> He actually has a slightly more recent review of PCB vendors at <a href="http://lowpowerlab.com/blog/2012/12/28/oshpark-pcb-service-review/#more-181">http://lowpowerlab.com/blog/2012/12/28/oshpark-pcb-service-review/#more-181</a><br>
<br></div>Felix has designed an Arduino clone that includes a HopeRF RFM12b or RFM69 radio soldered to the back side. Programming is done via a built in USB port or FTDI depending on which version you choose. When programming, you simply select Arduino Uno as your target board, get the right serial port and send your sketch. He has rewritten the bootloader to enable wireless reprogramming as well, so if you decide to change your sketch, you can do it without "un-embedding" the Moteino from your project.<br>
<br></div>He supports the Moteino with a forum on his website and has a number of interesting projects in process. Also posted on his blog is some good information regarding small scale assembly of PCB's, as he hand pick/places components and reflow solders them in a Sunbeam toaster oven. <a href="http://lowpowerlab.com/blog/category/diy/">http://lowpowerlab.com/blog/category/diy/</a><br>
<br></div><div>I have ordered from Felix, our one transaction had no problems and he gave me no hassle when I changed my order shortly after placing it.<br></div><div><div><div><br></div><div>Glen<br></div></div></div></div>