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This turns out to be just as trivial as one would hope, but there is
a sea of confusion about this on the 'Net and this is one case where
carefully reading the Atmel docs beats looking at this subject on
the Internet. <br>
Here's how this works:<br>
1) The <b>AtMega328p</b> chip internal circuity in the <b>Uno</b>
flavor of Arduino hard-wires "pin 10" to something that determines
the master/slave mode of SPI. An API label meant to be private
inside Arduino library and system code that designates this pin is
"SS". <br>
2) The first thing SPI.begin() does privately is set SS as an
output. This sets the internal SPI hardware to master mode, which is
what 99.9999999% of Arduino users need. The begin method (function)
also sets SS HIGH because <b>coincidentally by design</b> many
common SPI devices have their chip select line tied to this pin.<br>
3) Pin 10 is used as a peripheral device chip select line by many
common Arduino shields. This assignment is assigned by <b>specific
library code</b> and/or users for a <b>specific device</b>.<br>
4) All SPI device chip select lines must be set initially HIGH to
avoid glitching the device with a first interaction. This is often
redundantly set by device-specific library init code, again by user
code, etc. <br>
So in my case, my "P_SD_CS" is defined as "10" for my SD card I/O
select, but I also have a "P_ACCEL_CS" that defines "3" for my
accelerometer device select, and I have to explicitly set this to
OUTPUT and it's state to HIGH before I start using the
accelerometer. But if I used any of the 106 versions of demo and
library code for this accelerometer the init code there would
probably set pin <b>10</b> to OUTPUT and HIGH, and that would be <b>BAD</b>,
because this pin is for SD interface use with my hardware and I
don't want it to be fiddled with by some other code that might
execute at an inconvenient time. So I'd have to extend that library
or demo code's init method with a parameter or go in and change it's
code to use the chip select pin specific to my hardware.<br>
You might ask yourself "What about my other flavor of Arduino that
has a different chip in it?" I have no clue and haven't spent a
millisecond looking for the general API and specific device answers
to this question. :-)<br>