[TriEmbed] Project Edger meeting Wednesday evening 3/15 7-9pm @Forge/Jitsi

Pete soper pete at soper.us
Thu Mar 9 19:48:13 CST 2023

Project Edger Meeting

Wednesday the 15th we'll have an Edger meeting at the Forge Initiative 
at 2172 Salem St., suite 002, Apex, NC. This is the new space above and 
behind the main one (suite 101). Doors will open at 6:30pm for setup and 
the meeting will start at 7pm and finish at 9pm. This will be a hybrid 
meeting with a Jitsi session at _https://meet.jit.si/TriEmbed_ 

Meeting agenda:

  * Hellos, intros
  * Demo of new major release of the Edger system
      o Discussion
  * What's next?
      o Testing, exercising, applying the new release
          + We need volunteers!
      o Opening up to communities beyond the current Signal group
      o Discussion
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