[TriEmbed] Information for invitiation to TriEmbed

Pete soper pete at soper.us
Mon Nov 21 15:10:30 CST 2022

Here is some boilerplate for communicating with potential new TriEmbed 
persons. Just replace "date of next meeting" with the proper date (i.e. 
date of next 2nd Monday).

TriEmbed is mainly a meeting every second Monday evening of the month, a 
moderated and archived email list, and a web site (falling into 
disrepair). Since the pandemic meetings are via an A/V and messaging 
system called "Jitsi" that is similar to Zoom but without any login. 
Just point your browser to https://meet.jit.si/TriEmbed at or before 7pm 
on (date of next meeting), give it permission to use your camera and 
mic, enter your name and click on "join meeting". Chrome works better 
than FireFox on Linux. Paul MacDougal puts out an agenda to the email 
list the week before the meeting. If you are interested in presenting 
and/or sharing something specific just send it to the email list for 
discussion and getting it on an agenda. Most meetings have a time at the 
end for a short show and tell. An archive of past meetings (incomplete) 
is here: https://triembed.org/meetings/triembed-presentation-archive . 
To subscribe to the email list go here: 
http://mail.triembed.org/mailman/listinfo/triembed_triembed.org . If you 
aren't recognized or recommended by a list subscriber you'll be asked a 
few friendly questions. The subscription scheme is to avoid spam by 
non-subscribers: it is not for censorship. Messages sent to the list 
(mailto:triembed at triembed.org <mailto:triembed at triembed.org>) must be no 
larger than 250 kilobytes or they will be held for a publish or 
rejection decision by a moderator (currently Paul or Pete Soper). (The 
triembed.org domain is hosted on a personal domain server with a disc 
storage quota.)

More information is available on the web site: https://TriEmbed.org 
<https://TriEmbed.org> .

More information about the TriEmbed mailing list