[TriEmbed] program for October or November meeting

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Sun Aug 28 12:46:22 CDT 2022

I propose giving a talk about using gdb and gdbgui with ESP32 with all 
the steps needed to get started with this inexpensively and how it can 
be a wonderful alternative to print statements. Anybody interested?  It 
could actually be a workshop if attendees can spring for about $13 for 
the cost of a JTAG dongle and install a few bits and bobs before the 
talk. Unfortunately this will be Linux-centric, but Windows users might 
be supported via WSL (Windows Subsystem for LInux) +/- me figuring out 
the niggling details of the USB interface, but only might. My bandwidth 
for stuff is severely limited these days and will only get worse in the 
next few months.


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