[TriEmbed] Reminder: TriEmbed Meeting Wednesday August 17 @ 7PM

jaime johnsen jaimejohnsen at protonmail.com
Mon Aug 15 19:26:09 CDT 2022


August 17 @ 7-9p
Doors open 6:30p
Beverages at 8p
At The Forge Initiative

The next in-person meeting is Wednesday, August 17, 6:30-9p at the Forge Initiative, 2172 N Salem St Suite 001, Apex, NC 27523.

There will be another meeting of the Tri-Embed community project to create and use development tools coupling ESP32 micro-controllers with
Dialog mixed signal Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). This is now called project Quercus (Latin for oak).

Please park on the street or in front of an adjacent building. This to accommodate those who find the hill hard to walk and can park in front of the door.

There will be high risk people at the meeting. Please wear a mask (available at the meeting).


Meeting Agenda (The Deets :-D)
Project News (Paul, Rob, Nick, Pete)
1 Windows installation status
2 Plan for next improvements to the installation process

Proposal (Dawn)
Start a League Users Group (could be alpha-testers, or maybe new signal group)
1) goal #1 of this group is to read the Greenpak Designer Users Guide and create a Quick Start Users Guide
2) goal #2 - progress to programming some FPGAs (Cookbook designs, or design-your-own)
3) goal #3 - provide feedback to Quercas designers on limitations, feature requests, ease of use, etc

Show and tell (Nick)

Hands on with the Blinky app to modify it (group)

Open discussion (group)
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