[TriEmbed] Pi Zero W -- Touch Display Troubleshooting

Ron Craig roncraig007 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 23:55:18 CDT 2022

Huan is hereby awarded "Master of USB Debugging".

I missed your reply, and just found it.  It made absolute sense, and I
added the overlay you suggested, and that *FIXED MY SYSTEM!!*

Note that /boot/overlays/README says:

> Name:   dwc-otg
> Info:   Selects the dwc_otg USB controller driver which has fiq support.
> *This        is the default on all except the Pi Zero which defaults to
> dwc2.*
> Load:   dtoverlay=dwc-otg
> Params: <None>


Name:   dwc2
> Info:   Selects the dwc2 USB controller driver
> Load:   dtoverlay=dwc2,<param>=<val>
> Params: dr_mode                 Dual role mode: "host", "peripheral" or
> "otg"

Thanks so much, Huan.  I'm adding credit to you on the YouTube channel and
on Thingiverse.  Once I get the files up on git, I'll mention you there as

So grateful,

On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 2:39 AM Huan Truong <htruong at tnhh.net> wrote (Ron
added the color):

> Since you mentioned that you use a handmade usb cable... This could be the
> problem. Reason is that the mini USB-OTG cable actually has 5 pins:
> https://www.pinterest.com/pin/511580838893581192/
> If you splice a straight USB cable to connect to a usb device, the pi
> will
> assume it's the slave, not the master.
> If you insist on using your DIY cable, try adding this to /boot/config.txt:
> [pi0]
> dtoverlay=dwc2,dr_mode=host
> --
J'ai bonne espérance!
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