[TriEmbed] GitHub heads up: password logins go away August 13th

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Fri Jan 29 10:20:07 CST 2021

Bitbucket allows simple passwords.


On 1/29/21 8:21 AM, jonathan hunsberger via TriEmbed wrote:
> I understand your use case with the FRC team. For that have you looked 
> at other cloud git offerings that do allow password auth? (Gitlab 
> comes to mind. They have free public repos, although I'm more familiar 
> with the self-hosted OSS version. I actually think their 
> issue/branch/merge flow is easier to understand than the github 
> fork/pull, but YMMV).
> For the other use case, tokens can apparently be used to auth on the 
> command line just like passwords. So if you generate one and store it 
> securely somewhere (e.g. online password vault) then you can access it 
> and copy/paste when pushing. Also from the examples they seem to just 
> be a bunch of digits, so you could store on a password vault on your 
> phone and type it in when it's time to push.

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