[TriEmbed] 2021 Astronomy Days virtual this year

Rodney Radford ncgadgetry at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 19:25:28 CST 2021

While not exactly embedded or Linux, there is enough intersection of ideas
in the 2021 Astronomy Days this year with both groups, so I wanted to pass
this along.

I have volunteered for many (14?) years at Astronomy Days running the
2-liter bottle rocket launcher outside. So if you have ever been to
Astronomy Days, you probably saw me, my wife, daughter, and whatever other
family and friends I could pull into to help.

However, with covid concerns, it will all be virtual this year and will
also last a full week, with lots of great sessions.

Check out the schedule at the link below and sign up on sessions of

Programs | Programs and Events Calendar (naturalsciences.org)

Hopefully next year I can return back to sitting in the cold with bottle
rockets and waving hi.
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