[TriEmbed] Fwd: RARSfest News Feb. 2021

Scott Hall scottghall1 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 12:31:22 CST 2021

Hey, I got notice that this year's Raleigh Amateur Radio Society RARSfest has
also been cancelled.

Normally I would organize a non-profit island of tables for all our clubs to
showcase ourselves and offer interactive involvement (such as a robotics
competition, a learn to solder workshop, project making demonstrations, handing
out live Linux & Opensource DVDs, or scanning with software-defined-radio), but
this year is a bust due to the SARS-2 pandemic.

The Durham FM Association DurHamFest for 2021 has also been cancelled, as has
the Cary Amateur Radio Club Mid-Summer Swapfest.

The NRV Spring Into Trains model train show is going on (May 1, 2021,
https://nrvclub.net/spring-model-railroad-show/), but due to pandemic
restrictions no non-profit interactive tables are being allowed at this time.

We'll have to see if all our clubs can get together for this year's Raleigh's
SparkCON or Durham's CenterFest in September.

- sgh

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	RARSfest News Feb. 2021
Date: 	Thu, 4 Feb 2021 00:14:40 -0600
From: 	Hamfest at RARSfest.org <hank at k4hm.net>
To: 	RARSfest News Subscribers <scottghall1 at gmail.com>

*48th Annual RARS/fest/*

*ARRL NC State Convention 

* April 16, 2022 at NC State Fairgrounds*


*RARS/fest/  2021  CANCELLED


The Raleigh Amateur Radio Society (RARS) and the RARS/fest/ committee have made
the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 RARS/fest/, due to increasing concerns
regarding the resurgence of COVID-19. We hold the safety of our many guests and
volunteers as our responsibility. Even if a facility were to become available,
our concern is that it would be impossible to provide a safe venue for an event
the size of RARS/fest/. We thank our many loyal guests, vendors, exhibitors and
volunteers for their past patronage spanning nearly 50 years.
We look forward to seeing you on April 16, 2022
for the 48th RARS/fest/.

*Use this **contact form
<https://www.rars.org/mailform.php?recipient=k4hf>****for RARS**/fest/**2022

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